Photo Prints Masterclass


Master the craft of printing your own images. Learn how to print your photos and display fine art level prints that you, your friends and family will love.

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This course is for you if…

You sent photos you liked to a lab and the results weren’t quite right.

You want to display your work but printing is too expensive.

You are struggling to get your images right before printing.

Imagine you could…

  • Create professional gallery-worthy prints in your own home.
  • Save on printing and get better results.
  • Understand how to prepare an image perfectly so the print is amazing.

"If I can’t teach without also inspiring my students I shouldn’t be doing this. I want you to get excited about the print and what this means for your art."

Joel Grimes

What You'll Learn

On this course, join master printer George Kondogianis and myself for an in-depth exploration into the world of print.

You’ll learn everything you need to fully master the whole process. From calibrating your screen properly and preparing the image, to choosing the right paper, evaluating the print and making final tweaks.

The ultimate expression of an artist is having a product that people can see. The feeling of seeing your work on the wall or even just coming off the printer is something that will never get old.


Create stunning print photography


Photo Prints Masterclass


Master the craft of printing your own images. Learn how to print your photos and display fine art level prints that you, your friends and family will love.

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4h 12m





Get Started



Welcome to this course!!


What to Expect

Find out what we will go through on this course.


The Value of the Print

My self and master printer George Kondogianis discuss the value of the photography print and why photographers should not miss out on this.


Choosing a Printer

Learn what to consider when choosing a printer to use at home and all the variables that you need to understand.


Software And Drivers

In this lesson, we will walk you through getting set up properly to print.


Creating The Print

This lesson is a walkthrough of getting your images from Photoshop ready to print. Learn how to get everything set up correctly to make your first print.

Part 2


Advanced Photo Prints

We are going to take more of a deep dive into the print in the second part of this course. Find out what we are going to learn.


Calibrating Your Monitor HB

Setting up your screen so you can really tell what’s happening with your image is the most important first step. Find out how to do this and see the difference this makes.


Preparing Your Image

Learn what to consider and how to avoid common mistakes so you always get the most out of your photos.


Viewing Conditions

If you are making a print for your home, or a gallery or any other space the lighting condition will change. Thinking with this when printing your image will make sure your image looks right.


Paper Type

In this lesson, we take an in-depth look at the different paper available to you. Understanding these options and how they effect your print will help you create the perfect final product.


Advanced Printing

Learn from George by watching his process how he would prepare a fine art print for a client from Photoshop to paper. It’s magic!

Part 3


Longevity of the prints

In part 3 we will talk about the longevity of the prints you can now make and what that means for you as a photographer.


The Business of Print Making

Find out how mastering print could improve your photography business. Unlocking the ability to make your own prints at a low cost gives you the opportunity to ensure the picture looks amazing and t...


Bonus: Custom Profiling

In this bonus video, George walks us through some of the tools he uses to create incredibly detailed custom profiles for his work.

Hear what photographers have to say…

“I wish I had done this course a month ago. I just wasted over a thousand dollars having my photos printed by a big company. The results were average and not the same as the files I sent. I have since bought a very inexpensive printer and am now producing unbelievable prints. I’m so happy. Thank you!!”

“I’ve always wanted to print my photography. It seemed like something reserved for the pro or that I have to pay for. Since studying this course I really understand the whole process and my pictures are hanging up on my wall as I type, and they look amazing!”

“Having the confidence to print my photos has tranformed my career Joel. I’ve started making prints and giving them to friends, family and even local shops. People are now coming to me to buy my prints…which I can make myself… incredible!”


Photo Prints Masterclass


Master the craft of printing your own images. Learn how to print your photos and display fine art level prints that you, your friends and family will love.

Buy Now

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Two Step

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